FoxPro Packages

These FoxPro packages are all zip files that typically contain a form and a library that will perform the given task. I also have more FoxPro stuff.

Command Window Simulator

Did you ever want to distribute an application but keep the command window? Do you have advanced FoxPro users out there that like to type in their own commands to fix data instead of having them bother IT? Now, you can have your developer with one licensed copy of FoxPro and distribute your application with this command window emulator.

I found a command window simulator written by Walter Meester and modified by Eric den Doop at Foxite. I later altered it a bit more to not require the "READ EVENTS" stuff and handle "BROWSE" commands a bit better. These changes were necessary for the application I was adding it to. Now, you just need one line to pop open the form and get the command window simulator running.

  • Download:

    • Start up the Command window with just this one line do form Command

Excel DDE

You can always use "copy to FILENAME type xl5" in order to get your table in an Excel-ready format, but the formatting sucks. Actually, it is a complete and total lack of formatting that sucks.

You can open up Excel, set up a DDE link to it, and then send data to the spreadsheet with DDEPoke(). To make this job a bit easier, I made a few utility functions. An explanation of the DDE functions is available in a separate help file

* Include the program
set procedure to exceldde.prg additive

* Open Excel and set up a DDE link to it.
* This searches the registry for the handler for "XLS" files and opens
* that program. = StartExcelDDE()

* To send data, use DDEPoke().  MakeRC(row, col) returns a "RxCx" style
* row/column.  You can do it yourself or use MakeRC(1, 10) to get "R1C10"
DDEPoke( "R1C1", "My Header"
DDEPoke(, MakeRC(1, 2), "More Header")

* To add formatting, use DDEExecute()
DDEExecute(, '[SELECT("' + MakeRC(1, 1) + ':' + MakeRC(1, 5) + '")]' + ;

* Change the paper layout

* Pull data from row 1, column 2, remove newlines, trim
m.info_from_spreadsheet = DDERequest2(, 1, 2)

The second script, exceldump, will take your table and dump it to Excel via DDE with formatting. Pretty handy.

* Include both files
set procedure to exceldump.prg additive
set procedure to exceldde.prg additive

* Open your table

* Dump to Excel  (read ExcelDump.prg for explanation of optional parameters)

DumpToExcel takes many parameters. See ExcelDump.prg for a list of them and how to specify them. You are able to select the database to dump, specify the starting row on an Excel spreadsheet, force a particular format for the fields (numeric, currency, character, etc.), have it call special functions if you want to insert breaks and subtotals, and just dump the raw data without titles. It is a very nice and powerful function.

You will also find list_stru.prg in the archive. It has some simple code that uses the exceldde functions to perform a nicer list stru equivalent, but puts the output in Excel. The old DOS FoxPro had a useful list stru to print command, but the Windows varieties all have really poor output when you try that exact same command. Printing it from Excel makes it look nice again.

Fiscal Date Functions

I am not sure if anyone else out there has to work with fiscal dates in FoxPro, but I did. This set of functions will help you out immensely. With them, you can query for fiscal years, get just specific fiscal months, and much more.

* Add in the fiscal functions
set procedure to fiscal.prg additive

* Get the fiscal week number/month number/year of a date
? FiscalDateToWeek({^2004-10-31})
? FiscalDateToMonth({^2004-10-31})
? FiscalDateToYear({^2004-10-31})

* Get the first day in a fiscal year or a fiscal month
* Fiscal month means 1 = February, 12 = January
? FiscalFirstDayOfMonth(2004, 10)
? FiscalFirstDayInYear({^2001-12-27})

* Get the number of weeks in a fiscal month or a fiscal year
* Again, a fiscal month has 1 = February, 12 = January
? FiscalWeeksInMonth(2004, 12)
? FiscalWeeksInYear(2004)

* Convert a fiscal week to a fiscal month and a year week number to a
* month's week number
? FiscalWeekToMonth(34)
? FiscalWeekToMonthWeek(10) && returns 1 -- first fiscal week of April)

* Get the number of fiscal weeks before a specific month
? FiscalWeeksBeforeMonth(1)

The code has slightly better comments before each function, and explains the data types going in and returned from each function a bit better.

Fuzzy String Matching

I have expanded the fuzzy string matching for FoxPro to handle two different algorithms, and they are also coded for other languages. They are explained in detail on my fuzzy string matching page.


Tired of asking the user to type in a date? Use this form to pop open a calendar. I modified this one to remove extra weird code, make it more portable, and (of course) make the form's background color purple. To include it on your forms, add a button (width 23, height 22) of the calendar (getdate.bmp in the zip file) and set the Click event to something like what is shown below. You can also set the date text field's DblClick event to what is shown to make it even easier for the user to enter dates.

* These snippets of code assume that your form has a text field on it
* that is called txtdDate1

* This is the code for the button's Click event
with thisform
    do form GetDate name ofrmGetDate ;
        with .txtdDate1.value, "Enter date for WHATEVER" ;
    to .txtdDate1.value

* This code can be placed on the date field's DblClick event
with this
    do form GetDate name ofrmGetDate ;
        with .value, "Enter date for WHATEVER"
    to .value


Did you ever need to make a MD5 checksum of a file or a string? This will certainly be exactly what you need. I found this code out on the net and immediately thought that it should be on my website. In this zip file you will find the original documentation and the library. The text file says that the source to the library was included, but it was not in the zip file that I found.

To use, you merely include the library and then run the MD5Hash() function.

set library to MD5.FLL additive
HashCode = MD5Hash(any_string) && returns 16-byte result

? MD5Version() && tells you what version of the library you are using
HashCode = MD5HashFile("C:\test_file.dat") && 16-byte result

if (MD5VerifyFile("C:\", m.Old_Hash) == .F.) then
   ? "MD5 did not match"

* This will generate a 32-character hex-encoded MD5 string. = MD5Hash("Some String")
? HexEncode(

function HexEncode
lparam m.binary
    local m.out
    m.out = ""
    do while len(m.binary) > 0
        m.out = m.out + right(transform(asc(m.binary), "@0"), 2)
        m.binary = substr(m.binary, 2)
    return m.out


I don't know why FoxPro did not include a message box that could prompt the user for information. They have MessageBox(), but nothing like prompt() or ask() or whatever. At least, they don't in FoxPro 6, which is what I used at work.

m.result = .F.

* Prompt with an empty input box
do form Prompter with "What is your name?" to m.result
if type('m.result') != 'C' or len(allt(m.result)) == 0
   ? "User pressed cancel, hit escape, or just hit enter (empty value)"
   ? "Something was actually entered."

* Or have a default value specified
do form Prompter with "What is 2 * 3?", "6" to m.result2


I have found that it is often to my advantage to compress my stray .dbf files that I rarely use. I have written code to detect if my file exists, and if it does not it will fall over to a gzipped version if that is available. To facilitate easy extraction and compression, I searched and found a zlib.dll that will do what I need it to do.

The code I wrote employs the thermometer class that is part of the FoxPro Foundation Classes. You will certainly need to edit zlib.prg and change it (it was at about line 180) to work for your installation. You will also need to change the path to zlib.dllin the GZDefine() function.

* Include the zlib routines
set procedure to zlib.prg additive

* Now you have the three functions from the DLL added
gzcompress(@dest, @destlen, source, sourcelen)
gzcompress(@dest, @destlen, source, sourcelen, level)
gzuncompress(@dest, @destlen, source, sourcelen)

* But, since they can be a pain to call, I've added some helper functions
* For these three functions, COMPR is a string that has the size of
* the decompressed data, a space, and then the gzipped data.
compr = compressit(data) && default compression (level 6)
compr = compressit(data, level) && level is from 0 (min) to 9 (max)
data = decompressit(compr) && decompresses

* Compress and decompress files.
* If TALK is ON, you will get a progress bar (thermometer) on the screen.
* They all return 0 if there was no error.
gzip("in.dbf", "out.dbf.gz") && Compresses a file (level 6)
gzip_nobar("in.dbf", "out.dbf.gz") && No progress bar
gzip("in.dbf", "out.dbf.gz", level) && Pick your own compression level
* There is no gzip_nobar() that accepts a compression level parameter
gunzip("in.dbf.gz", "out.dbf") && Decompresses a file
gunzip_nobar("in.dbf.gz", "out.dbf") && Never shows progress bar

I also had to transfer many files across a network. To accomplish this I used psexec from SysInternals to remotely run a compression program on the target Windows server, copy the .dbf file locally and then decompress. It turns out that it was significantly faster to process large files. The FoxPro function is available, but you'll need to track down some binaries in order to get it to work.