Onloads and Alternatives

When you have multiple JavaScript programs that both want to start with `window.onload`? Alter them both accordingly so that they will never conflict again. Code this way for all of your `window.onload` needs and remove potential sources of trouble.

Let's just say that you have a script that you want to distribute or that could be loaded with other scripts and you really don't want them to conflict with each other. If you need an onload event, things can get a bit weird. You'll maybe wonder why your pull-down menus don't work and your background changing does work. These snippets of code will help you out.

Overloading window.onload

In order to use this, you will need to slightly edit your JavaScript. You'll likely add these lines at the bottom of your code.

(function () {
    var old_onload = window.onload;

    window.onload = function () {
        // Insert your code here to initialize your program

        // Then, this little bit calls the previous onload function
        if (old_onload) {

    window.onload = new_onload;

With the above code, you can ensure that your JavaScript will not interfere with another person's JavaScript, especially if yours is loaded after the other person's code. If the other person's code is loaded after yours, and they don't use code like what is above, you can obviously alter their program to do your bidding and make sure it won't interfere with other things you have going for yourself.

As a general rule, you should never code JavaScript that sets window.onload unless you handle the scenario where window.onload was already set. Also, using window.onload is now considered the really old way.


jQuery has a great way to run code when you load the page. Pass a function to $ and it will be called when window.onload would fire.

$(function () {
    // Insert your code here to initialize your program


Are you living in a world without jQuery? You can also use window.setTimeout but be warned that your code might run before things are fully loaded.

(function () {
    function startup() {
       // This is your startup function.
       // You'd do stuff in here.

    // Set the startup function to run.
    window.setTimeout(startup, 100);

If you have external JavaScript files that you need to load before your function runs, you just add a couple lines.


You can periodically check to see if an element has been loaded in the DOM. Here's a method that uses document.getElementById.

// Polling for an element with a specific ID
(function () {
    var interval = window.setInterval(function () {
        if (!document.getElementById('someIdYouNeed')) {
        // Do your stuff here

You can also see when a script has loaded by checking for a function to be defined.

// Polling for the existence of a function
(function () {
    var interval = window.setInterval(function () {
        if (!someNecessaryFunction) {
        // Do your stuff here

How About A Library?

This little bit of code will take over the window.onload, and then all you need to do is call onloadAdd() with your function to add more and more behaviors that should be executed when the page loads.

(function () {
    var queue = [];

    if (window.onload) {

    function runQueue() {
        var i;

        for (i = 0; i < queue.length; i += 1) {

    window.onload = runQueue;

    window.onloadAdd = function (callback) {

With this, all you need to do is keep calling onloadAdd() and hundreds of things can run without them stepping on each other's toes.

Yet Another Way

Sometimes the above code will not work for you or you prefer to use newer techniques to register your onload behavior. The below code is what I came up with. It uses the browser-specific extensions to automatically work with Firefox 2+, IE 7+, or fall back and work with the window.onload that most of the older versions and other browsers support.

Personally, I like the easier window.onload methods as detailed above. They work splendidly for me, and I only put this up here because people asked nicely. Keep in mind that newer frameworks like jQuery do something a lot more concise and suited for those newer browsers.

// We use these variables to see if the onload code ran,
// to possibly store the old window.onload function, and to see
// if we have been set up.
// Make sure to change the names in your script to something unique!
var onload_ran = 0;
var onload_old = null;
var onload_init = 0;

// Here is our onload function.  Note:  We can call it multiple times,
// and that's why there is that 'if' statement right away
function my_onload() {
    if (onload_ran) return;
    onload_ran = 1;

    // Do your other onload stuff here
    // ...
    // Now we may need to handle other onloads

    if (onload_old && onload_old != null) {

// This line is required for the code to work with IE
document.write('&lt;script id="__init_script" defer="true" src="//[]"&gt;&lt;\/script&gt;');

if (document.addEventListener) {
    // Mozilla
    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", my_onload, false);
    onload_init = 1;
if (! onload_init && document.getElementById) {
    // IE
    var deferScript = document.getElementById('__init_script');
    if (deferScript) {
        deferScript.onreadystatechange = function() {
        if (this.readyState == 'complete') {
            // Needed to add tiny delay for IE
        window.setTimeout('my_onload()', 100);
        this.onreadystatechange = '';

    // Check if the script has already been completed

    // Clear reference to prevent IE memory leaks
    deferScript = null;

    onload_init = 1;
if (! onload_init) {
    // Older and different browsers
    onload_old = window.onload;
    window.onload = my_onload;
    onload_init = 1;